Nummer: 26503

Area : Indic Ocean
Sea area : South Africa
Date of attack : 02.11.1942
Time of attack : 21:59
Nationality of U-boat : German
U-boat : U 177
Commander : Gysae
Grid : GR 1715
presumed target type : Steam Freighter
presumed tonnage : 8000 BRT
presumed result : sunk
Used weapon(s) : Torpedo(es)
Date when ship
was reported missed :
Nationality of target : Greek
Actual type of target : Steam Freighter
Name of target : Aegeus
Year of launch : 1920
Actual tonnage : 4538 BRT
Actual result : sunk
Position of target : 32.30s 16.00e
Footnote : U-177 observed the ship hit with two torpedoes sinking after a big explosion. - It must have been the reported ship missing after Oct.31st, 1942.