Nummer: 21717

Area : Baltic Sea
Sea area : Gulf of Finland
Date of attack : 11.01.1945
Time of attack : 09:15
Nationality of U-boat : German
U-boat : U 745
Commander : Trotha
Grid : AO 3528
presumed target type : Steam Tug
presumed result : sunk
Used weapon(s) : Torpedo(es)
Date of observation : 11.01.1945
Time of observation : 11:25
Nationality of target : Soviet
Actual type of target : Fleet Minesweeper
Name of target : T-76 Korall
Year of launch : 1917
Actual tonnage : 600 ts
Actual result : sunk
Position of target : 59.45n 24.47e
Footnote : U-745 heard two detonations after an attack on 2 tugs and a towed floating crane.

Fleet Minesweeper T-76 Korall ex Latvian President Smetonas (bis 1940)