Gade, Rudolf

Persönliche Daten

Geboren : 08.10.1906
Geburtsort : Winnitza / Russland
Gestorben : 10.03.1991
Todesort :
Begraben :

Militärische Daten

Rang : 01.04.1926 Matr (OA) 26.10.1926 Seekadett 01.04.1928 Fähnrich zur See 01.10.1930 Leutnant zur See
Eintrittsdatum :
Crew of 1926
Orden :


04.1926 - 07.1926 Recruit training at the Second Ship's Main Division of the Baltic Sea in Stralsund.
07.1926 - 10.1926 Basic seafaring training on the sailing training ship Niobe "NIOBE".
14.11.1926 - 23.03.1928 Trip abroad on the light cruiser "EMDEN"..
03.1928 to 03.1929 Ensign war school training at the Naval School Mürwik
1930 Lt.z.S. (without designation of the post), ship of the line (Ausb) Silesia
1931-32 Train officer, IV Marine Artillery Detachment, Cuxhaven
1935 at the disposal of the Commanding Admiral, Station of the North Sea
1936 Platzmajor, Festungskommandantur Wilhelmshaven
1937 Company Commander, 3rd Kp. of the I. Marine Supplement Department, Eckernförde
1938 Company Commander, 11th Ship Master Department. Mar.Flak.A.236, Kdr. 12. 39- 10. 40; auf Schlachtschiff "TIRPITZ".. 11. 40- 1. 43; MVO zur Luftflotte.4 1. 43-6. 43; Zerstorer ,"PAUL JACOBI"./ "Z 5". I.O. 7. 43-5. 44;
Zerstorer ,"RICHARD BEITZEN"./ "Z 4". Kommandant 6. 44-9. 44; Schiff 5. ("HANSA".), I. O. 9. 44 - Ende.; Entlassen 5. 8. 1945.; Quelle Urs.

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