Nummer: 23317a

Area : Mediterranean
Sea area : North African Seaway
Date of attack : 10.06.1942
Time of attack : 04:56
Nationality of U-boat : German
U-boat : U 559
Commander : Heidtmann
Grid : CP 7179
presumed target type : Tanker
presumed tonnage : 6000 BRT
presumed result : sunk
Number of torpedoes/mines : 3-
Used weapon(s) : Torpedo(es)
Convoy : AT.49
Date of observation : 10.06.1942
Time of observation : 06:00
Nationality of target : Norwegian
Actual type of target : Motor Tanker
Name of target : Athene
Year of launch : 1928
Actual tonnage : 4681 BRT
Actual result : sunk
Position of target : 31.12n 28.10e
Footnote : U 559 fired a 3-torpedo spread against a tanker and steamer behind and observed 2 hits. The tanker was burning 24 hours, the steamer with deep laying stern was towed away. - "Brambleleaf" was towed to Alexandria and wrecked after the war.
related attacks : Angriff 1

Convoy : AT.49
Route of convoy : Alexandria-Tobruk
Remark to convoy : Nov.1941 to Jun.1942 (return traffic: TA)