Nummer: 14005

Area : Western Area
Sea area : North Atlantic
Date of attack : 06.12.1942
Time of attack : 22:06
Nationality of U-boat : German
U-boat : U 155
Commander : Piening
Grid : CD 2858
presumed target type : Steam Freighter
presumed tonnage : 7000 BRT
presumed result : sunk
Used weapon(s) : Torpedo(es)
Convoy : ON.149 d
Date of observation : 07.12.1942
Nationality of target : Dutch
Actual type of target : Steam Freighter
Name of target : Serooskerk
Year of launch : 1922
Actual tonnage : 8456 BRT
Actual result : sunk
Position of target : 37n 38w
Footnote : Lloyd's War Losses (Volume 2) is listing "SEROOSKERK" with 'missing ships' und supposes her (referring to German sources) to be lost on 02/12/42 in position 49.50n 23.40w. The position given above probably refers to the 07/12/42, when "SEROOSKERK" was signalled als missing ship.

Convoy : ON.149 d
Route of convoy : United Kingdom - North America
Remark to convoy : 1st series: Jul 1941 to Mar 1943 ON and ONS combined, later ON mit continuing and ONS with new numbering (counter traffic HX and SC)
updated on: 27.07.2023
Remark: QUAD