01.10.1940-14.10.1940 | zur Verfügung U-Boot-Waffe / Befehlshaber der U-Boote Org., U-Bootsausbildung. (was attached to the U-Boat service ) |
15.10.1940-21.12.1940 | U.W.O-Lehrgang 1. U.L.D., Pillau. (U-Boat Training Course in the 1st U-Boat Training Division, Pillau.) |
22.12.1940-05.01.1941 | U.W.O-Lehrgang Marine-Nachrichtenschule, Flensburg-Mürwik. (Communications Training Course in the Naval Signals School, Flensburg-Mürwik.) |
06.01.1941-02.02.1941 | U.T.O-Lehrgang Torpedoschule, Flensburg-Mürwik. (Torpedos Training Course in the Torpedo School, Flensburg-Mürwik.) |
03.02.1941-23.03.1941 | WO-überzählig auf 'U 34' [Kdt: Meyer] / 24. U-Flottille, Memel. Boot für Kommandantenschießlehrgang. (Supernumerary Watch Officer. Boat for training future U-boat commanders.) |
24.03.1941-31.10.1941 | 1. WO auf 'U 43' [Kdt: Lüth] / 2. U-Flottille, Lorient. Wird das Boot zur Überholung und Reparatur seiner schäden eingedockt. Zwei Feindfahrten, 105 Seetage. (1st Watch Officer. The boat is docked for overhaul and repair of its damage. Completed two war patrols, 105 days at sea.) |
01.11.1941-30.11.1941 | KSL 24. U-Flottille, Memel. (U-Boat Commander Torpedo Shooting Course.) |
16.12.1941-23.01.1942 | Baubelehrungskommandant für den 'U 218' F. Krupp Germaniawerft AG, Kiel-Gaarden / 1. K.L.A., Kiel-Gaarden. (Instruction in the final stage of construction in shipyard under supervision of 1st Warships Training Unit for U-Boats, Kiel.) |
24.01.1942-08.08.1944 | Kommandant auf 'U 218' / 5. U-Flottille, Kiel später 9. U-Flottille, Brest. Vom 25.01.1942 bis 16.08.1942 das Boot Erprobung und Ausbildung in der Ostsee. Ein Überführungsfahrt, 3 Seetage. Acht Feindfahrten, 372 Seetage. Zwei Feindfahrten abgebrochen, 4 Seetage, aufgrund schwerer Motor Probleme. 1 Dampfer umgerechnet zu einem Landungsschiff 7.177 BRT beschädigt, 1 Motortanker 7.361 BRT beschädigt und 1 Segelschiff 146 BRT versenkt. (Commander. From 25.01.1942 to 16.08.1942 the boat testing and training in the Baltic Sea. One transit trip, 3 days. Eight war patrols, 372 days at sea. On 12.09.1942 during the first patrol the boat was attacked by British Escort ships from a from convoy ON 127 and was forced to return after the boat was depth charged. On 15.11.1942 during the second patrol the boat was attacked by British aircraft causing serious damage and forcing the boat to abort to France. On 22.05.1943 during the fourth patrol the boat was attacked by surface ships. On 02.08.1943 during the fifth patrol the boat was attacked by British Wellington aircraft from No. 547 Squadron RAF, Royal Air Force Coastal Command causing serious damage and forcing the boat to abort to Brest-France with six crew members wounded. Two aborted patrols, 4 days due to serious engine trouble. Damaged 1 steam merchant converted to a landing ship Infantry 7.177 GRT, damaged 1 motor tanker 7.361 GRT and sunk 1 sailing ship 146 GRT. Kptlt. Richard Becker was relieved by Kptlt. Rupprecht Stock.) |
09.08.1944-25.10.1944 | zur Verfügung 1. Unterseebootsausbildungsabteilung, Plön in Holstein. (was attached to the 1st U-boat Training Unit, Plön.) |
26.10.1944-11.11.1944 | Kommandant auf 'U 2503' / 31. U-Flottille, Hamburg. Boot nicht betriebsbereit. (Commander. Kptlt. Richard Becker takes command of U 2503 from Oblt. Raimund Tiesler. Boat not deployed. Kptlt. Richard Becker was relieved by Kptlt. Karl-Jürg Wächter.) |
12.11.1944-19.02.1945 | Ausbildungsoffizier 27. U-Flottille, Gotenhafen. (Tactical Training Instructor in the 27th U-Flotilla, Gotenhafen.) |
20.02.1945-08.05.1945 | Leiter Kleinkampfverbänd Stützpunkt Helgoland. (Leader of Midget U-Boats base.) |
08.05.1945 | Kriegsgefangen nach Kapitulation. Britische Krieggefangenschaft im Kriegsgefangen Lager. Am 10/01/46 Entlassen. (Detained after capitulation. British war captivity. Freed in 10/01/46.) |